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Till Lindemann 2024 - Boeing Center at Tech Port

Event details

17. September 2024 - San Antonio, TX @ Boeing Center at Tech Port

  • Einlass: 18:00 Uhr
  • Beginn: 20:00 Uhr

Event Details

Till Lindemann, the inimitable poet, performer, and singer of platinum-award winning industrial metal group Rammstein will be bringing his solo project to North America for the first time. Support acts Twin Temple and Aesthetic Perfection will be joining the tour, which kicks off September 17th in San Antonio.

This show is ages 18+ with ID.

Provisions Food Hall Doors open at 5:30pm. Arena Doors open at 7:00pm. All support acts and seating arrangements are subject to change without notice.

Please double-check your cart before finalizing your purchase. All sales are final, and refunds are not available.

Tickets are exclusively available through Boeing Center's Box Office at 1 (800) 514-3849 via ETIX and www.boeingcentertechport.com. Avoid purchasing from unauthorized sources like brokers or secondary market websites, as they pose risks. Ticket fees remain consistent online or at the Box Office, which is only open on event days two hours before arena doors.

For security reasons, Boeing Center enforces a clear bag policy. Each guest may bring one clear bag (12″ x 12″ x 6″) or one wallet-sized bag (8" x 5"), which does not necessarily need to be clear. Seating arrangements may change without prior notice.

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